Entering customer payments

Step 2: Enter details about the customer payment

Step 1 > 2 > 3 > 4

  1. In the Customer field, enter or select the name of the customer from whom you received the payment.

Note: If you receive an alert message If this customer has outstanding unapplied credit memos, an alert message will appear. Youíll have the opportunity to immediately settle the credit memos against any of the customerís open invoices or settle them at a later date.

See To apply a customer credit (from the Customer Payments window) for more information.

  1. After you enter a customer name, some default entries appear automatically in the top half of the window. You can make changes to these entries, if you wish.

Note: If this is a foreign customer If youíre using MYOB AccountEdgeís Multicurrency feature and you selected a customer whoís been assigned a foreign currency in the Card File Entry window, that currency is automatically assigned to the transaction, and it canít be changed.

If you want to use a different exchange rate for this transaction than the one youíve entered for the currency in the Currency Information window, click the Exchange Rate button. The Exchange Rate window appears; enter the exchange rate you want to use for the transaction. If you want to change the exchange rate for all future transactions, mark the Update Current Exchange Rate in the Currency List with Transaction Exchange Rate option, then click OK.

  1. In the Amount Received field, enter the amount the customer paid you.
  2. Enter the payment method that the customer used to make this payment. Click the arrow to view a list of choices. Click Details to enter information about the payment method.
  3. Enter a description of the transaction in the Memo field. This description will appear on various AccountEdge reports, as well as the Sales Journal.

Entering customer payments - Step 2